Monday, April 9, 2018

Not Complaining About the Weather is a Spiritual Discipline

For many years, with I hope good humor, I have told people that I consider not complaining about the weather to be a spiritual discipline. We have no control over it. It just comes and we adjust, which I do believe is spiritually healthy.

With the seemingly prolonged winter (though I well remember April snow back to the 70’s in Wheaton, IL), I have seen and heard a lot of people all over the country fussing about the apparent delay of spring. I don’t know who they are blaming, but I still believe learning to adjust to what we can’t control is spiritually healthy. Yes, when people do things that harm others, we need to work for justice and compassion, without letting them control our emotions or steal our joy.

Yes, I am fully convinced that we humans (all of us together) have for quite a long time done things that have a destructive effect on earth’s total climate. And yes, it does affect not just my weather but the weather for all people around the world. We are right to do everything possible personally, politically, and economically to address climate change constructively. Having said that, today’s weather will be what it will be, and I still believe accepting and adjusting to that is a healthy spiritual discipline.

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