Sunday, April 28, 2019

help your father in his old age,

Perhaps as much for curiosity as to be better informed, I have begun reading through The Apocrypha. I have known it as encouragement for righteous living in times of difficulty and opposition (for the Jews after the Babylonian Exile this meant the pressures to conform to Babylonian, Persian, and Greek paganism). Some of the stories are fascinating and instructive such as the story of Susanna and the Elders…/susanna-as-case-study-….
Last weekend Candy and I visited her 92 year old Dad in MN. He is still living in his own home but with decreasing strength, we feel he needs more care than Sue, his part-time care giver can provide (as does she). He has been in that house 48 years and south Minneapolis his whole life, so considering a change is daunting.
Then I encountered this in Sirach 3:12-14. Understand, I am not taking this as some message from God about a specific plan to follow, but I found it did prompt me to think about how best to related to him in these days, to pray for him, and to share the quote with Candy, for whom it prompted gratitude for our children's care for us, especially Rachel and David with whom we share a duplex in Milwaukee and whose love was well expressed in conversation last evening.
My child, help your father in his old age,
and do not grieve him as long as he lives;
even if his mind fails, be patient with him;
because you have all your faculties do not despise him.
For kindness to a father will not be forgotten.

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