Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Radical Alternative Reality of Contemplative Living

This morning's meditation by Richard Rohr expresses clearly and powerfully why and how a contemplative life is dramatically different from the power driven agendas so typical in politics, business, and even religion, and that those who live contemplatively shape and influence the world much more (and more effectively) than all of the flailing around of the power brokers.

I was reminded of the book by Mark Link SJ that I read years ago and can't remember the exact title, but it presented Jesus as the fixed point in a swirling world. This also called to mind John 1:5 "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it." I think the KJV gets at something significant in rendering it "the darkness comprehended it not" Indeed, the reason the power brokers are powerless against authentic contemplatives is that they do not understand (comprehend) living outside of their power swamp.

Just a bit of historical aside, when the early Church confessed "Jesus is Lord," they knew this was a direct repudiation of the Empire's demanded allegiance of "Caesar is Lord," and thus treasonous. For all of its power, wealth, and violence, the Empire was frustrated at its inability to control these people whose hope rested on confidence in Jesus' resurrection, so no torture or even death could get them to comply. They lived in a reality beyond the comprehension and power of the Empire.

Genuine contemplative thinking leads completely away from the dichotomies of liberal-conservative, progressive-traditional in politics and even religion. Neither is contemplative living finding some balance point on a continuum between the poles. It accesses a completely different reality that defies classification in such limited terms.

Well, I only intended a brief intro to get people to read Richard Rohr's meditation and obviously got carried away. Nevertheless, here it is and I hope at least some of you will read it, even if you skip over my discourse.


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