Monday, February 3, 2020

Beatitudes: Blessing to those on the Margins, Challenge to the Privileged

A part of the Meditatio (second step) of Lectio Divina, asks how the passage might have been received and understood by its original readers/audience and how is that different from how I hear/read it? Last week as I was reflecting on (marinating in – Thanks Mark Louden for a more vivid image than my “soaking in Scripture”) the beatitudes, I became aware that the beatitudes challenge the position of privilege I have enjoyed and taken for granted all of my life, but Jesus’ original audience undoubtedly heard them with great joy and relief that from their lifetimes struggling on the margins of their society they are blessed in the Kingdom of God. (Please don’t fuss about the gender/hierarchy implications of “kingdom” in our time. Just enter into the delight of those who heard Jesus put them at the center of God’s community of love.) This awareness had been dawning on me through the week and came into sharp focus as I listened to Mark Louden’s message in worship with Milwaukee Mennonite Church yesterday. Thanks, Mark!

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